The Association of Friends of the University Children's hospitals

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You can use your Avios for a good cause by donating them to The Association of Friends of the University Children's hospitals. The minimum donation is 500 Avios.  Please log in to donate Avios.

About The Association of Friends of the University Children's hospitals

Supporting children's health today and in the future
The Association of Friends of the University Children's hospitals is a charity organisation founded in 1993 that supports children's health in Finland through its activities. We support the five university hospitals in Helsinki, Tampere, Turku, Oulu, and Kuopio, where any child or adolescent in Finland can be covered by treatment if necessary.Our support areas include pediatric research, the development of treatment methods and innovations, equipment purchases, the comfort of patients and their families in the hospital and mental health of children and adolescents. Throughout its course, the association has made donations worth over 47 million euros. Finnair and The Association of Friends of the Children's hospitals have worked together for many years to fly families of patients needing help. With the help of the Avios collaboration, long-distance patients and their families are flown to children's university hospitals and back home to recover from heavy treatment periods. In addition, patients are flown, for example, on a recreational trip to Helsinki in the fall to see the Elämä Lapselle (Life for Children) charity concert. Through the collaboration, we also aim to offer some parents the opportunity to participate in a pampering day, where they can relax, take part in pleasant activities and converse with others.For more information, visit the association’s website or send an email to

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